3. Choosing a Mantra

In his book, Timeless Healing, Dr Herbert Benson shares some of the different mantras he offers to his patients. His research has shown that a mantra relevant to one’s belief system increases the power of the meditation experience. 

Here are some of his suggestions, along with others which may be useful. 

Christian: forgive, love, peace, The Lord is my shepherd, or Our Father, who art in Heaven. 

Jewish: Shalom, Sh’ma Yisroel, Echod,
or The Lord is my shepherd. 

Muslim: Salaam, Allahu Akbar, or Insha’allah. 

Buddhist: compassion, love, peace, or forgiveness. 

For people who don't adhere to any religious laws or beliefs, the words one, ocean, love, peace, calm, or relax can be used. 

Choose a mantra that feels right for you.

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