2. What is a Mantra?

སྔགས་ [lit.'instrument of thought']
from Sanskrit man- 'to think' and -tra 'designating instruments or tools'; a sound, syllable, word, 
or group of words that is considered capable 
of creating spiritual transformation.
- from Wikipedia

In the morning, Zen monks chant aloud and then meditate silently, counting their breaths
from 1 to 10, over and over.

Through his wellness network and public appearances, Dr Deepak Chopra teaches people to close their eyes and silently repeat
the mantra ‘I am’.

Practitioners of Transcendental Meditation close their eyes and silently repeat the Sanskrit mantra they received from their teacher.

The work of Dr Herbert Benson suggests almost any word or phrase can be used as a ‘mental device’. His patients often start off using the word 'one', repeated silently or aloud, to elicit the 'relaxation response'.

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